Home Values

Work exploring the rootlessness caused by housing inequities. What makes a "Home" when, like myself and many African American women, struggle to own a home or even rent and keep an apartment? This new work includes my "Apartment Installation," sketches and prints from my "Home and Other Horizons" series, and an interactive "Housing Values" card game. What does home mean to you?

Use #StayGoldHomeValues tag me on Instagram @kisha7Lynn to share.

Home Values

Work exploring the rootlessness caused by housing inequities. What makes a "Home" when, like myself and many African American women, struggle to own a home or even rent and keep an apartment? This new work includes my "Apartment Installation," sketches and prints from my "Home and Other Horizons" series, and an interactive "Housing Values" card game. What does home mean to you?

Use #StayGoldHomeValues tag me on Instagram @kisha7Lynn to share.

“..merely asking people what they want to see does not always generate the kinds of meaningful feedback that can paint a nuanced and layered picture of the community of the neighborhood’s knowledge and aspirations.” -James Rojas

Dream Play Build: Hands-on Community Engagement for Enduring Spaces and Places. Island Press, 2022.

Housing Values Card Sort

I created this exercise to get a nuanced and in-depth understanding of the needs and desires of those most impacted by the national housing crisis. Often this group includes African-American women, like Ms. Patterson. However, economically disadvantaged, ethnic and racial minorities, the elderly, people with disabilities, and those in the LGBT+ communities also struggle to find high-quality, safe, and affordable housing within affirming and nurturing communities. Her architecture and artistic practices strive to use Design Justice principles to build communities where we can be at home.

Thank you,